JSY Guei Fei Loose Leaf Oolong Tea 100g Tin Loose Leaf Premium Tea
JSY's Honey Flavoured Guifei Tea comes from Nantou's Lugu Frozen Top Tea Production Area, and is fermented with the bite of the small green leaf cicada, just like Oriental Beauty. The first part of the tea production process still adopts the practice of Oriental Beauty, but the middle part of the tea production process starts to follow the tradition of Frozen Top Oolong Tea, which results in the fruity aroma being more cohesive and forming an aroma similar to lychee or longan, and a thick and solid flavour similar to Frozen Top Oolong Tea, and the finish has a natural sweet and sour aroma. It has a strong flavour, similar to that of the Cold Top Oolong tea, with a distinctive natural sweet and sour note at the end.
*A positive reduction in blood pressure
*Reduced cholesterol levels
*Reduced inflammation
*Appetite suppression
8g 100ºC 120ml water 50s, Increase brewing time with each successive brew. The leaves can be brewed 6 times.
Hot Brew::
3g 100ºC 250ml water 3~5mins
Cold Brew:
3g 300ml water 8hours,keep in the refrigerator